Colours, gradients, geometries, overlays and effects combined in a thousand ways. Digital media have opened a new horizon in terms of speed and portability.
My style is rooted in visionary art, with a twist of urban graffiti and new school art. I get inspired by travel, psychedelic trips, all sorts of music, psychology and urban underground culture to create my designs, full of symbology, that are usually accompanied by a thoughtful text, becoming a sort of visual philosophy.
Visit the Digital Art Gallery to see more of my work.

Glowing universes that transform from night to day, dreamlike feelings, hidden shining treasures. The possibility to reproduce environments from another worlds, to travel beyond the structure of our own reality.
Since 2016 I have been exploring the possibilities of the fluorescent palette, applying these colors in textures, paintings, shapes, patterns, sculptures, murals … I have created concepts rooms and I have built decorations for parties.
My UV artwork goes from acrylic paintings, passing trough sculpture from recycled materials and scrap, to full decorative concepts to create inmmersive
psychedelic rooms.
Access the fluorescent gallery to see my works.
Dark ornamental tattoo projects that dance with the shapes of each body. In the tattoo process, I like to build the design toguether with the client, so that we develop a personalized concept which adapts the chosen aesthetic idea specifically to the chosen area of the body.


Some meaning
Inspiration comes from the alternative, from the exploration of the depths of the mind. Pronoia Lab drinks from the underground movements, the electronic music, the realms of psychedelia, the darkness and light within, the will to live diferently, to break molds.

100% cotton
Cotton stands for comfort, quality and durability. That is why all of our textile products are made of 100% cotton.
Each piece of clothing is printed to order specially for each costumer, that is why it may take some time to arrive to you. That’s how slow fashion works.

A nomad project
Pronoia Lab is a one-artist nomad project. Exploring different techniques and concepts, this laboratory of creation, at the moment van-based, never stops moving. By supporting Pronoia Lab, you help an independent artist to be able to live through creation.
Support independent artists.
Working toguether, that is how we change the game. That’s how we grow. That is also art, an eternal collaboration of the human mind and the universal consciousness.